Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 Chicago Marathon

I'm Matt Eash and I'm an amateur endurance athlete. Since 2006 I've competed in both running and triathlon events. Following a visit to the emergency room in February of 2013 I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. In May of 2013,while away from home in California I experienced a major diverticulitis attack . Narrowly avoiding an emergency bowel resection, this required a 4 day hospital stay. At the time I had already been training for my first Ironman 70.3 and my first Chicago Marathon. I was told these plans were over. I was devastated, all my training and planning for not. 

After returning home and explaining my race plans to my physician he came up with a plan to allow me to continue training for my Ironman 70.3. A glimmer of hope knowing there was still a chance to complete my goal! With the amazing support of my running group, the Magic Milers I was able to continue training and complete my first every Half Ironman! 

I had bowel resection surgery in July just two weeks after my Half Ironman and at that point was again told that I wouldn't be able to complete the Chicago Marathon. I had already recovered from being told once, but this second time seemed more real. However, after my required time off I began slowly training again. It wasn't until the week before the Chicago Marathon that I had finally decided I would participate. A crazy idea probably, but I was determined to hit my goals! I finished in 05:01:01, not my best time but a time I was proud of. With the help of my physician, my family and my Milers I had concurred my disease and achieved my goals! 

This year, I've been presented with an amazing opportunity to join Team Challenge and help others with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). My goal is to raise over $1500 while training for and completing the Chicago Marathon! I want to help find ways to cure and treat IBD so that those impacted can receive improved treatments and reduce the daily impact to their lives. 

You can help by donating, it's simple and anything you can offer is appreciated! I'll be posting training updates and events on my blog at I'm super excited for the journey to follow and I hope you'll be a part of it!

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