Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Brendan

Brendan is 2 today

It's hard to believe that this little guy is already two years old!

As you can see, he is already doing very well with respects to the Potty.

They just never stop growing do they?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another baby !?

Wow, who knew... It was just recently that I found out that my wonderful wife of 10 years is once again pregnant. I guess it isn't the end of Diapers just yet eh'. In case you don't know we already have four wonderful kids. I really don't know that you could ask for much more from them. Yeah, sure they have their moments and we have ours, but all in all they are wonderful, sweet, kind and innocent.

So here is the interesting part of this information, you see back in 2008 we had decided that we where happy with our family. In fact so much so that we decided I would go ahead and have a vasectomy. So on Dec. 1st I did, and I'll tell you guys out there, it isn't that big of a deal so suck it up and do it for your wife. Because after she has birthed a few babies... Its the least you can do.

So I digress... just before the proceedure my wife had decided to stop taking her BC pill in the hopes that it would make her more "in the mood". Well if you ever look into it, you'll also find that your Dr. will tell you, that the proceedure isn't immediately active. In fact there are a number of residual swimmers and it takes time to clear them out.

So we had decided to play with fire a little in Dec, and didn't really do anything special in the interim. In Dec, just before Christmas it was her time and well it was late... We actually thought wow, it just may be happening... Which at that time we where really neither her nor there on the idea. So I got to march my little self to CVS where I had researched for the test that had the best performance for detecting the hormones... Test 1 was a negative, and so was test 2. Test three was just well, left in the box because that night the wait was over... and we where again without worry. I think we where both a little sad it wasn't positive.

Enter Jan 22nd 2009, when I'm working like usual here in the office and along comes my wife... Next thing I see is a test on my desk, and HOLY CRAP, it had two lines... (See the Photo) Now mind you by this time, we had both finally cleared our mind of having another baby. In fact, the little guy Brendan who is almost 2 now had just started potty training and the end of diapers was in sight. Imagine the surprise we both had for this. It is amazing, that we get to go through this process again, we both know what to expect (of course we do, we've done this 3 times before). We also know what not to expect, each pregnancy is different. BTW: she *thinks* she is about 3-4 weeks into this, and suspects her due date will be around the first week in Oct. 2009.

We both enjoy so much our family, it truly is a joy to have a great family. I just hope that we can help to sculpt them into great little people over time. We have such great family and friends, and friends who are family. I can say that we are truly blessed to have such a great group of friends. The next 8/9 months is certainly going to come an go quickly it will be done before we know it.

Now you are in the know, and I thank you for reading, it has been fun! Thank you for your support and prayers it really is appreciated. I think we are all hoping for a little girl, Rachelle has already said she is going to ask everyone she knows to get one cute girly outfit for the baby when she finds out it is a girl. Lord knows we could use a little less testosterone in this house.

Take care, stay posted here and God bless.

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