Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Feed the Hungry!

Help Make a Christmas Miracle for those in need! Give $5.00

I thank you for visiting this web site. As you have probably heard
by now, I have a dream goal to get $7200 for a food pantry to help feed
the hungry. I was first introduced to Community
Caring and Sharing
a few years back when I helped unload a truck load
of food from Feed the Children. Then I was working with Star
Chapter 144 from Indianapolis

My goal is to help Community Caring and Sharing by restocking their desperately
needed shelves to help those who are struggling to keep fed. I would love
to see this happen. I have been looking for something to help make the
Christmas season bright for someone else.

I know that this is a hard time for everyone, that is why I am simply
asking for $5.00. Help make this dream a reality by sharing it with your
friends, family and colleagues.

I have never done anything like this before but I believe that with your
help, we can make this dream a reality. Please take a moment and consider
how you can be a part of a Christmas Miracle for those who are less fortunate.
In these desparate times, the need is more than ever.

How can you help: Simply click on the Donate link below
and make your contribution. Every donation made through this link will
be added directly to the Feed the Hungry Fund!

I will be keeping track of the contributions here http://host-island.com/feedthehungry Check back Often!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the Season

To do something for someone else. Take a moment and think about how you could change the life of someone else for the good. Maybe it is smiling to someone you meet on the street.

Or maybe it is buying someone a cup of coffee or a lunch.

Take time to think about it as you travel throughout your day.
