Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today's Quote:

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power."
- Shirley MacLaine

Thursday, September 2, 2010

M.Eash Photography is now on Facebook!


About the Artist
Matthew Eash grew up in Goshen, Indiana and attended Goshen High School where he met his wife Rachelle. They moved to Pendleton, Indiana in 1999 while attending college at Ball State University. Together they now have 5 children ages 8, 8, 6, 3 and 11mths.  Matthew’s interest in photography started in college when he completed several creative and digital photography courses. Over the past 12 years he has worked with various genres of photography, including landscape, portrait and wedding photography.
Matthew created M.Eash Photography with the goal of sharing his art with others. Since its inception he has continued to grow his portfolio and along the way has captured some amazing photographs. While historically Matthew’s forte has been landscape photography his growing portfolio of portraiture has been well accepted.

Matthew is currently working with families, individuals and groups in the Pendleton and surrounding areas to save their moments in time. If you’re looking for someone to help you to capture your moment consider giving Matt a call.

Matt can be reached by internet, email or phone.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/M.EashPhotography

Monday, August 16, 2010


If you receive an email like this from one of your contacts please ignore it as it's a scam to attempt to get your money... I've received this a few times now so I figured I'd go ahead and share it publicly to help prevent people from harm. Note that the letter is slightly different in some instances but follows this storyline:

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,We came down here to England for a short vacation and i was mugged at gun point last night,at the park of the hotel where we lodged all cash,creditcards and cell were stolen off me, thank God we have our life and passport.

I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all,they asked us to wait for 3weeks but we can't wait till then. Our flight leaves in less than 3hrs from now and we are having problems settling the hotel bills.

The hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the hotel bills.
we are freaked out at the moment

you can wire the money to me through westernunion all you need is Name
on my passport and location below.

Name: {Friend's Name}
Location:60 Hyde Park Gate - Kensington London sw7 5bb Kingdom
Amount: $2,250

I'll def refund your cash as soon as i get home.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Esau Wood saws wood

All of the wood Esau saw, Esau sought to saw. And oh, the wood-saw with which Wood would saw wood. But one day Wood's wood-saw would saw no wood. Thus the wood, Wood would saw was not the wood Wood would saw if Wood's wood-saw would saw wood. So Esau sought a wood-saw that would saw wood. One day Esau saw a wood-saw saw wood as no other wood-saw would saw wood. And I never saw a wood-saw saw wood like the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood until I saw Esau Wood saw wood with the wood-saw that would saw wood. Now Wood, saws wood with a wood-saw that would saw wood.

My Grandma gave me a piece of paper with this little gem on it, I think my grandfather used to have this memorized...


Sunday, June 6, 2010

San Francisco

Some of you know that I was in San Francisco last week for work. We spent a lot of time in a conference room making great progress. At the end of the day 1 day we got to go downtown San Francisco and eat on the pier. After that we got a chance to hang out a little bit in the downtown area. I really enjoyed the little time I had there to shoot photos and we had a great tour guide Suzanne :) .

Being in the Downtown gave me the chance to take some photos. I thought I'd share them with you.

Bay Bridge:
From San Francisco

The Boat Yard and the Golden:
From San Francisco

Alcatraz from the pier:
From San Francisco

Trolley Turnaround:
From San Francisco

Lombard Street:
From San Francisco

From San Francisco

From San Francisco

See More Photos Here

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Add Google Calendars to your iPhone even if you use an MS exchange sync.

Do you use MS Exchange to sync your email, contacts, and calendar to your iPhone? I do too, however I'm also a huge fan of Google's calendaring system as it's flexible and easy to share with my wife and others as needed.

Did you know that you can add your Google Calendar to your iPhone and have it show up on your iPhone calendar app. Simply start by

CalDAV: CalDAV Calendar Sync
Sync your Google Calendar with your iPhone or iPod Touch and always have your schedule at your fingertips.

Note: If you don't already use exchange you can also choose to use Google Sync to sync your Calendar and Contacts. Click for instructions. This is the better option (in my opinion) for iPhone owners not using MS Exchange.

Syncing via CalDAV is only available for devices with version 3.0 firmware or above. You can check your current version by going to Settings > General > About > Version on your iPhone or iPod Touch device.

To sync with your device, follow these steps:

1. Open the Settings application on your device's home screen.
2. Open Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
3. Select Add Account...
4. Select Other.
5. Select Add CalDAV Account.
6. Enter your account information:
* In the Server field, enter [ google.com ]
* In the Username field, enter your full Google Account email address.
* In the Password field, enter your Google Account password.
* In the Description field, enter the name you'd like to appear on the account.
7. Select Next at the top of your screen.

After you've completed setup, open the Calendar application and syncing will automatically begin.

By default only your primary calendar will be synced to your device. You can sync additional calendars by visiting one of the following pages from any browser (via desktop or mobile device):
Note: I found it easier to do from my iPhone, you will see a list of your calendars that are available for syncing. I added my wife's calendar as well as my primary calendar.

* For non-Google Apps users: https://www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect
* For Google Apps users: https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/YOUR DOMAIN NAME/iphoneselect

TIP: When you have multiple calendars on your iPhone each entry is color coded in the calendar view. To change the Color of the Google Calendar Items, just change the color of your calendar on the Google Calendar web site. Mine was red as was my MS Exchange account. I found that changing the color online updated the color on the phone. This made it very simple to determine which calendar the item was on.

Hopefully this page will help you, I know it would have helped me :)

A little Self Motivation...

Date:3/2/2008 6:00 AM
Course:SRQ Marathon
Distance:26.2 miles
Pace:11:27 / mile
Shoe:ASICS Gel - Nimbus 9 (TN743) (Gel 9)
Weight:176 lb
Misc:Quality: 4/10, Effort: 10/10
Field Placement:420 / 532 (78.9%)
Age group:30 – 34
Group Placement:23 / 25 (92%)
Gender Placement:263 / 320 (82.2%)
Weather:55° F, Sunny, Humid
Event URL:sarasotamarathon.com
Notes:First Marathon.
Statistics:Calories: 3487
VO2 Max: 28.7

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Omnicity is teh unwinar

C:\Users\eashm>tracert facebook.com

Tracing route to facebook.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 3 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms
3 4 ms 10 ms 5 ms
4 4 ms 5 ms 4 ms
5 6 ms 10 ms 6 ms
6 12 ms 5 ms 5 ms
7 * 12 ms 11 ms 74-126-254-1.rg0011.fcrdns.net []
8 13 ms 10 ms 14 ms gi-0-2-106-omnicity-core2.ind1.zbi-net.net []
9 20 ms 15 ms 12 ms
10 20 ms 36 ms 17 ms []
11 42 ms 44 ms 44 ms []
12 61 ms 126 ms 39 ms FACEBOOK-INC.TenGigabitEthernet2-4.ar5.DCA3.gb.net []
13 41 ms 40 ms 41 ms ae1.bb01.iad1.tfbnw.net []
14 39 ms 42 ms 43 ms xe-7-0-0.br02.ash1.tfbnw.net []
15 43 ms 56 ms 49 ms te-7-8.csw03b.ash1.tfbnw.net []
16 52 ms 44 ms 41 ms www-10-03-ash1.facebook.com []