Monday, May 5, 2008

Official Results...

Here they For what it is worth:

Clock Time2:17:15
Chip Time2:10:05
Overall Place11559 / 30067
Gender Place7772 / 14319
Division Place1253 / 2084
Age Grade45.5%
Mile 549:37
Mile 101:40:33

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mini-Marathon Update... Finished and PR

So another Mini-marathon has come and gone. As I said before I was a bit disappointed with my training. It had really fallen off since the Full in March. Seems life got in the way.

Anyway, as it turned out Steve and I ran about a perfect consistent 10:00 - 10:20 min/mile. As you may recall my goal was to do it in 2:14:59...

As we came up on mile 11.5ish.. :) I was feeling pretty good. At mile 12, the clock time was 2:06 and change. I had to basically do the next 1.1 mile in under 10 minutes to make a 2:10 time. I felt like I could do that so I started to increase the pace.

At some point in there I started to feel a little ahead of myself and I decided to take a quick walk at about 3/4 mile to go and then again a 1/2mile to go.

I crossed the finish line and was excited... and saw I had missed the 2:10 mark by about 30 seconds...

So we went to the results tent to get the official results....

Here they are: My New Personal Record!
2:10:05 seconds!
9:56 min/mile
YES I MISSED THE 2:10:00 by 5 seconds! but i still broke the 10min/mile mark.

I am looking at doing the Giest Half on the 17th... we shall see