I'll be straight forward... 6-8 months ago when I first heard of Advocare I thought, oh boy another gimmick. I've never been a fan of so called wonder plans. I've hated diets because they all seem fake and unmaintainable. Who wants to be stuck eating specific foods andmonitoring it all, certainly not me!
My wife Rachelle started using a few products, Spark: an energy drink and a snack bar here and there. I wasn't too into it, but I went along for the ride to support her and her Zumba business. I'd heard about a 24 day challenge and thought again, great another thing to spend money on...
A few months later we went camping with some friends. One of them mentioned they were going to try the challenge, and she was talking about a cleanse. It all sounded bizarre to me.
A week or two later Rachelle said we should try the challenge to seew hat it was about, I begrudgingly agreed to trying it out.
I started the 10 day cleanse phase and decided I'd really do it. The cleanse phase is essentially a preparation for your body, a chance to free some of the junk that's been building up so that your body is able to process the max phase. The first few days of the cleanse felt awkward, as I mentioned I was only doing this to appease my wife. What was weird though was that I was actually starting to feel different. A good different a fulfilled different... I started wondering if maybe this was actually working... But it couldn't be right?
The 14 day max phase started and I was feeling even better than before. Even before the challenge I had been running and training for upcoming races, but my training changed. My runs felt easy, energy was consistent and I didn't feel sore or tired afterward. It was something I'd never experienced during previous training plans...
Not only was I feeling better, but I noticed that my clothes werefitting different, the shorts I bought at the start of spring were getting loose, and I was losing weight!
I really truly was surprised! I was losing weight, feeling great andgetting back into shape! This all impacted my training, I found withmy new energy I wanted to workout more often, and for longer times!
Here are a few other side effects that came along with this. 1) I cut back almost completely on coffee, no longer a slave to the caffeine I'd been addicted to. 2) I didn't crave junk and other unhealthy foods 3) I stopped drinking so much beer... 4) My recurring sinus problems have resided and I'm breathing and sleeping better than ever! 5) I regained my confidence to be able to walk around without a shirt on, something the extra pounds had previously prevented me from doing.
My training had progressed so well that I actually signed up for my first Sprint Triathlon, which is coming up this Saturday!
You're asking me why am I sharing this? Here's the thing, Advocarereally does work. I'm telling you this as someone who didn't believe it would, but it did! I am so convinced that Rachelle and I are now Advocare advisors who can help you achieve your goals too.
If you're looking to change your life, feel better and get healthier I encourage you to take a look at Advocare. I'd be happy to spend sometime with you and share my experience in more detail. We can help you determine how to start and what to consider.
Phone, email, txt, or FB message me and I'll give you more information. You'll be glad you did !!! Here's a sample of my results!
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