Saturday, July 22, 2006

Wild West Tour: Issue 5

Day #4: Salida CO to Blanding UT.

Day 4 brought us thru Monarch Pass where the summit was 11,311 feet. This was the first time we got into the real mountains. We stopped for a photo shot and noticed that the air was a bit thinner. There was a group of Cobras at the top.

Shortly after going through the pass we came across the place in the road where the mud slide really was. It was pretty much cleaned up but for a bit of dust on the road.

The mountains are so massive and beautiful at this point. We continued to head toward Montrose where we would head south down Highway 550(The Million Dollar Highway).This takes us through Ouray and Silverton. Ouray is a great little town in the middle of two massive mountains. The road is full of curves and is narrower than before. The turns become interesting when you look off the side of the road and see a giant cliff. I was most suprised by the big-rigs that were also traveling the road. Some of those turns would be pretty difficult for them.

We headed next through Durango, Mesa Verde, then past Ute Mountain, in the direction of "4 Corners". 4Corners is a place that you can stand ing 4 states; Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona.

At 4 Corners we ran into a couple from California on an FJR. Their story included getting stuck 4 DAYS in Blanding UT, which was our next stop. The things they said about it made us a little interested about the town.

There was a little town in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. It was no more than 1/2 mile in total size and was 100% surrounded by fencing. I believe it was called "Red Mesa", but it came and went pretty quickly. This area was HOT.

Onward to Blanding, and first we came through the town of Bluff, a tiny town set inside a canyon on the river. We left Bluff on a road that went up out of the canyon, the walls on both sides were huge and impressive.

Blanding is a small town that stayed in that night. The restaraunt that we ate at was nice, Mike had to buy 2 Iced Teas so that he could get more than the "One Refill" per purchase. We also noted that one of the Gas stations, also had "Edited Movies". To be honest, the town was a little strange. The campsite was great, and we met a few people there, one who was a logger working in the area.

Well that was it for now, look for the next update.


More to come soon~!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Wild West Tour: Issue 4

Day #3: Salida CO

Last Night in Garden City we had strong winds, we thought the tents might blow over at one point. There were more feed yards, that were stinky. We confirmed our belief that Kansas was FLAT!

From 2006_Wild_Wild_West_Tour
About 20 miles from Pueblo CO. we saw some rain ahead, and decided to stop and put on our rain gear. It was a good idea. We had a serious downpour for about 15 miles coming into Pueblo. It was pretty intense with some puddles and heavy rain. As we left Pueblo we headed towards Cannon City, someone hollored at us, there was some flooding "up there".

Cannon City brought to us a BEAUTIFUL Route 50. The winding road was next to the Arkansas river which up to this point had been empty. We stumbled upon the South entrance to the Royal Gorge. WOW! was about all that was going through my mind. We entered the park and there were Cows on the road, this was the first time I had actually seen cattle when the signs said, "Open Range". This US 50 route was fantastic with sweeping turns right next to the river, there were rafts floating down the river and the view was outstanding. On both sides were the Magnificant Rockies and the everlasting road was unbelievable.

After leaving Cannon City we headed towards Gunnison, CO. with a stop in Salida for Gas. As we left Salida there was a big sign that said that US 50 was closed due to a Mud Slide. Apparently this is the "Flooding" that the man in Pueblo was speaking about. We didn't know that "Up There" was really about 150 miles down the road.

So we were forced to head back to Salida for the night. The campground we found there was a bit more rustic but also scenic with the mountains in the backgound. Dorothy told us what restaraunt to eat at and we did. It was great.

So we spent the night at Salida and at about 7000 feet it got a little cooler that night. I actually had to bundle up in my sleeping bag for the first time on this trip.

This has been a fantastic trip!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wild West Tour: Issue 3

Day 2: Carthage, MO to Garden City, KS

Today we got a little later start, 8:30 local time. This was due to the first day of picking up our camp site and packing it back up. We are hoping that we will get a little better as the days go by. By the time we got started it was already 90 degrees. Oh, yeah, did I mention it is HOT!

We have about 410 miles ahead of us today and which will take us through Missouri and into Kansas. We headed to McDonald's for a quick bite to eat and some coffee. Turns out that when we get there, someone immediately comes over to ask questions about Mike's BMW. Mike rides a 2004 BMW 1200 CL. He gets a lot of comments on it, because it is different looking. In McDonald's, I asked some locals about how to get into OK, since we were so close and I couldn't pass on getting another state on my map. So we rode down 44 until we hit OK, and headed west on US400. Turns out that Kansas is a pretty flat state :). There are Miles and Miles of fields. Seemed like the roads never ended in some places.

Since the previous day my Road Star had some squeaking noise, I asked if we could get it looked at. As we pulled in for gas, the noise was back and I called the Star Touring and Riding office to find a Yamaha shop in Wichita, KS. Barb gave me the number to Advance Motorsports. I talked to Kerrey who was EXTREMELY helpful, he said yeah, come on in. His directions where a little off, but we got there.

By the time we stopped in Wichita, the temperature was 111 degrees. That is not a typo, we thought yesterday was hot, this was hotter! So they took my Roadie apart, checked out all the bearings in the rear wheel and said they all looked good. They also checked the Pushdrive and cleaned it up a little. Based on the symptoms, they figured that the rubber bushings in the push drive are swelling and causing the squeak. They lubed everything up and put it back together. I felt much better about the bike after that, and we where back on the road, well kinda, we stopped for lunch. Although since it was SO hot, we ate light and drank a lot of water.

West of Wichita the terrain is even more flat. It seemed like we would never get out of the Extreme heat. We had to make a few extra stops for fluids. Those combined with the stop at the shop we were a little behind schedule.

Traveling west we passed countless cattle trucks, I think they were all empty. We hit Dodge City about 7:00pm Local, and boy was that an experience, more cows than I have ever seen, and all in one place. Then the "Cow Processing Plants" they were a disgusting mixed smell of grilled burgers and death.   I don't really know how to explain it, but it wasn't too pleasant.

We finally got some relief from the sun about 20 miles before Garden City when the sun went behind some nice clouds. The temp dropped probably 15-20 degrees and the ride was so much more comfortable. We finally arrived at the campground at about 8pm. Again, showers and food was in order.

We had some semi-strong winds overnight and a little light rain, but when I got up at 5:30 this morning everything was dry. The humidity is down here, so things are drying quickly. We will gain another hour when we hit Colorado so we are taking our time again.

This has turned out to be a great trip so far, even with the heat. Seeing the great expanse of land, it makes you a bit more aware of how big this country is. I can't wait to see the rest of our trip.

If you have questions or want more details, send me an email Don't know when the next update will be, but stay tuned the trips is just getting started. Oh, and I will be getting some photos around too.

till next time,


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wild West Tour Issue 2

Day 1: Indianapolis to Carthage, Mo. (I70, I44)

Day one started at McDonald's, it was a nice morning that had promised good dry weather. We got started about 7:45 am. Following 465 to I70 West. The terrain was pretty boring, being that it was interstate, there wasn't much to see.

We stopped just before Terre Haute for gas and some water. Apparently the fueling station we picked was in the flight path for the National Guard, because four military jets flew right over our heads.

From Terre Haute, we continued west to St. Louis, the temperature came up quickly, by this time the temperature was nearing 100 degrees and the humidity was also high. We stopped for Lunch just west of St. Louis, at Steak and Shake.

This was by far the Hottest riding I have ever done, with the max temp reaching 105 degrees before we had reached our destination. Mike rode with his jacket on and I with my long sleeve T-shirt. Every time we stopped we got asked, "Why do you have a coat and long sleeves"? It turns out that with short sleeves, the sweat just immediately evaporates. With the sleeves, the sweat sits long enough to actually provide some body cooling.

Upon arriving in Carthage, at Ballard's Campground we were greeted by Wonda, a very friendly woman who promptly showed us to our site and pointed us in the direction of A) the showers, B) FOOD!

As we rolled into the campground, I also noticed a squeeking noise coming from the back of my bike. I am a bit concerned that it may be a bad bearing or something of the sort. I guess we will try to get it checked out tomorrow. Setting up camp was hot but went smoothly, the shower was like heaven, after riding through what we perceived as hell. Just up the road was a little restaurant called "Bronc Busters", the seemingly busy establishment had two sides, the lounge, which we initially passed up, and the family restaurant. We walked into the restaurant side hoping for some cool air, we found 2 people and a semi-cool room. We tried the lounge and it was MUCH cooler! We also found the people from the 20 or so cars in the lot, playing Texas Hold em. The food was ok, and much welcome after 11 hours in the heat. Mike (Mr. Tea) had his 6+ glasses of Iced Tea while I had mostly water and a COLD beer.

Back to camp to sleep, and it was still HOT and HUMID. Trying to fall asleep was difficult as the sweat rolled off your face. Maybe tomorrow will be cooler, I hoped.
