Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Police Activity!

WOW, some serious action in our neighborhood tonight! At about 4:45 I had seen a Sheriff hauling aZZ down US 36. I would guess about 120-130mph. About 15 minutes later, I was like wow there is something BIG going on... I had heard a lot of sirens and then I realized they where getting louder. I walked out the front door and saw a police car at the US36 entrance to our neighborhood. Sully, my 4yr old boy had followed me out. As I noticed it was a chase, I shouted at him to get his butt inside. I scared him, which was good... I DIDN'T WANT HIM OUT THERE! This suspect had no concept of who he was endangering.

I saw a car barreling down my road; I would guess that they where going over 65mph. One of my neighbors who happened to be driving out of the "hood" just happened to be there in the way, and was nearly hit as the suspect turned and went back into the back part of my "hood". I motioned for her to get in my driveway, which she did. She was shaking, literally. So I had her come in to relax as the suspect and about 10 Police cars came around again!

This time, he headed for US36 and headed East. I guess he made it about another 2 miles before being wrecked at IN 109 and US36.

Oh, and the suspect had a child in the back seat in a car seat. I guess the suspect wasn't that old, and he was wanted for a Felony. I am guessing he had run during a traffic stop...

It was quiet the experience. Something you see on TV, not in your own front yard.



Mary Rush said...

That's quite the event in your own neighborhood. Any follow up to the story like what happened to the man and his child?

Matt Eash said...

Nope, I can't find anything!
