Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Feed the Hungry!

Help Make a Christmas Miracle for those in need! Give $5.00

I thank you for visiting this web site. As you have probably heard
by now, I have a dream goal to get $7200 for a food pantry to help feed
the hungry. I was first introduced to Community
Caring and Sharing
a few years back when I helped unload a truck load
of food from Feed the Children. Then I was working with Star
Chapter 144 from Indianapolis

My goal is to help Community Caring and Sharing by restocking their desperately
needed shelves to help those who are struggling to keep fed. I would love
to see this happen. I have been looking for something to help make the
Christmas season bright for someone else.

I know that this is a hard time for everyone, that is why I am simply
asking for $5.00. Help make this dream a reality by sharing it with your
friends, family and colleagues.

I have never done anything like this before but I believe that with your
help, we can make this dream a reality. Please take a moment and consider
how you can be a part of a Christmas Miracle for those who are less fortunate.
In these desparate times, the need is more than ever.

How can you help: Simply click on the Donate link below
and make your contribution. Every donation made through this link will
be added directly to the Feed the Hungry Fund!

I will be keeping track of the contributions here http://host-island.com/feedthehungry Check back Often!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the Season

To do something for someone else. Take a moment and think about how you could change the life of someone else for the good. Maybe it is smiling to someone you meet on the street.

Or maybe it is buying someone a cup of coffee or a lunch.

Take time to think about it as you travel throughout your day.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

deep thoughts ... part 1

I know it is scary to publish your inner most thoughts to a place where it can be publicly seen, however it probably isn't going to stop me.

I have been thinking lately and i have been wondering about my life and what has brought me to where I am today.

Can I spew my thoughts here for a bit? You know I am going to anyway so you can't really tell me no!

Anyway so I was thinking about the past, and you know one thing that I have to say is that I am very lucky to have met Rachelle when I did. It is true, I am lucky, call it fate or my destiny but I do think about it every now and again.

You see I had 2 very close friends when I was a youngster I am not going to say who or when, because to me it seems quite obvious that anyone who really knows me will know what I am talking about.

It was a strange time for me. The whole adolescence and growing up. I don't know that people realized this about me then, but I think/hope they know it about me now. I was a good kid. I was a good friend. I was and still am one of those people who is really hard to offend. Yeah, I may disagree I may complain a little but I think you will find that I am very loyal.

I think about this every now and again, and yeah it is a difficult thing to think about. I often wonder what it was that caused the situation to be the way it was. I had one very close friend essentially turn on me, causing me a lot of grief. The other just vanished. The funny thing is to this day, I still do not know the real reason for either.

Yeah, it is tough to feel that I was betrayed and left in the dark. But I ... I was the lucky one. I found someone who was able to be there. Someone who was able to stick it out for the long haul. As I mentioned earlier, it was about timing, when I was down and feeling abandoned the one I admire most was introduced to me.

She was there when I needed her, and I ... well I think I was there for her too. We made a great team. We'd sit up late at night and talk until we couldn't talk any more. It was good, it was bad, and at times... it was ugly :)

What more could you want at age 16 but to enjoy the times... They where fun, they where scary and they where without concern of the future; really they where. There isn't a way to be able to understand what your future has to hold for you when you are 16.

heh... it is funny to think about now, what you wouldn't give to go back and do it again.

So I know what your thinking... Matt has gone mad! Well have I? Nah, I don't think so. Here's the thing though. If you are a part of the story its good, think about it. It is a good story.

For the family and friends reading this, understand that this is just me thinking out loud... I am not rereading this myself for fear that if I do it will simply be deleted. So if you read this, and are wanting more, don't. Because I don't know if I will post more or if I will not.

Yes it is true that I am an internalizer, albeit good or bad that is what I do. I process, re-process, then process again...

Race Season...

I have started my 2009 running season. I know you are thinking what is a fat guy like Matt doing running in races... The answer my friends is ... running slow :)

I actually got on the treadmill today. It is a fact, I am fat and out of shape. I have been here before and I will overcome. See honey, I am not all doom and gloom any more.

This fatboy will succeed once again! I can tell you that I will not be running the SRQ marathon this year, but I will be working very hard at beating my Mini 13.1 mile goal of 2hrs.

Last year I did the Indianapolis Mini in 2:10:05 I am more than certain that I can shave 10:05 off my time. I just have to push and push hard!

So wish me luck, and remind me often... The goal is in sight!

this year 1:59:59 will be met!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Random Thought...

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem have a need to just be different?

I often wonder why some people think that they must always fight against something just to fight it...?

Coincidentally The current song playing on my iPod is the John Cougar's Authority Song


Monday, December 8, 2008

the blahs

Been feeling a little blah lately. Not really sure why... Guess it is a combination of being cooped-in and cold.

Sometimes it doesn't feel like much is going on then others it seems really busy.

I have put away any chance of running a marathon in the spring. I am currently shooting for the Mini-Marathon in May (13.1 miles). I just can't seem to get enough momentum up behind my training schedule. just another thing to be blah about.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Computer Geek

I have decided that being a computer geek has some disadvantages. Everyone wants you to help them with their problems. Now while I do actually enjoy it a little it does get a bit tiresome. I don't think that people realize how much time it takes to do things.

So be certain to thank you local computer geek!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Your AutoBiography...

So I was thinking tonight... A little earlier, I thought it would be interesting to see what you would title your autobiography.

What about you? What would yours be if you had to write it today! I'll keep this blog around for a while. Who knows maybe in a few years you will look back and wonder what was I thinking?

Leave a Comment with your Title:

Blogger on Facebook

I just wanted to take a moment to say that I think it is cool that Facebook can automatically import my blog postings!

+1 for technology


Wow really.. that long..

So it has been a while since I posted. Sorry bout that.. A lot has happened since then. I have been to Florida, been back home, then went to Cary NC. for two weeks.. Wow that was an exhausting trip.

I got back home in time for Thanks Giving we had some family in from out of town. Aunt Mary from New Mexico, My sister-in-law Stephanie and her bunch from the Southside of Indy too. Thanksgiving was a fun time.

Then there was Dec. 1st: The day I got the "snip", or was it a sizzle... guess it depends on what you want to call it. Regardless when I left my groin was numb and I was headed for a few days of pain. None-the-less, I am here today to talk about it. It wasn't really that bad.... really...

So for those of you wondering about my running... Well lets just say that the extra weight I have added hasn't been helping that cause any. I put on 9lbs when I was in NC. Yup 9 lovely pounds...

I use a lot of "..." in my writing don't I... :) guess that is all for now... :)


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Running Log: Week 1

Today will finalize week one of my, back to running effort. I must say, that I do feel pretty good about it all. Here is what I did.

Tues: 1.0 mile outside in the neighborhood.
- This run was a bit of a challenge. I hadn't run in some time so my lungs where hurting. It is amazing how quickly your lungs can forget how to work.

Wed: 2.08 miles on the treadmill
- This was a good run, my lungs where working better that day. I ran really well and did the 2.08 miles in 18:00. This made it a 8:40m/mile pace. I don't suspect this will be usual, but it did feel good to kick up the pace a little.

Today should be another 2-3 miles!

I start my 18wk program on 10/13...


Monday, September 29, 2008

2009 Sarasota Marathon

The 2009 Sarasota Marathon is quickly approaching. Lately I have been wavering back and forth attempting to make myself comfortable with the thought that I can again train for this and accomplish the task of beating the time of this year's Marathon.

Deep inside I know I can do it, just knowing that once I clear this mental hurdle I have to buckle down and start the road to fitness once again.

If there is one thing that completing my first Marathon has shown me it is that I can do it. No it isn't easy, but it shouldn't be either. While I am pretty convinced that just about anyone could do it, only a small percentage ever try.

For me it is not about the recognition, but the challenge, the goal, the effort. I get a strange enjoyment from the pain associated with it all.

So today shall be the day, the day of truth, the day that starts it all :) Pain and Joy here I Come!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On the road again...

I started to run again today. I managed to pull off a slow 2 miles this afternoon. The weather was very humid today...

I have 11 weeks before the next half-marathon that I want to do here in Indianapolis. If my math is correct, I have about about 6 months until the Sarasota Marathon... I am trying to decide if I will be doing that again. I want to but I am not sure I will be able to...


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving in...

A huge thanks to all that helped us move into our new home! And yes it is home, it is amazing how quickly this house became a home. It was like we moved in and it just felt so much like home. A pretty awesome feeling!

We are gradually getting our boxes unpacked and getting more put away. We can park the Van in the garage now and that is a good thing :)

I am now back to work, and that is going well again. Back to being busy all day!

Well more soon!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Where has the time gone...

Gosh, I didn't realize how long it had been since my last post. I guess I don't have too much to add right now. We have been busy with the packing and planning. On Sat. we leave for our annual Holiday World camping trip. We are gone for a few days then come back to immediately have a Garage sale which reminds me... We better get that into the Paper soon!@

So much to do so little time!


Friday, June 27, 2008

The Deals Are DONE!

We have successfully sold our home and purchased another!

Our closings went well and we are now the proud owners of 6552 Congress Dr.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We have Dates!

So today we have information that we have Closing Date and Then follow-up moving date.

Closing Schedule:
House Being Sold: 6/26/2008
House Being Purchased: 6/27/2008 10:00AM

This means that we Should be taking possession on: 7/22/2008

w00t let the packing really commence!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Police Activity!

WOW, some serious action in our neighborhood tonight! At about 4:45 I had seen a Sheriff hauling aZZ down US 36. I would guess about 120-130mph. About 15 minutes later, I was like wow there is something BIG going on... I had heard a lot of sirens and then I realized they where getting louder. I walked out the front door and saw a police car at the US36 entrance to our neighborhood. Sully, my 4yr old boy had followed me out. As I noticed it was a chase, I shouted at him to get his butt inside. I scared him, which was good... I DIDN'T WANT HIM OUT THERE! This suspect had no concept of who he was endangering.

I saw a car barreling down my road; I would guess that they where going over 65mph. One of my neighbors who happened to be driving out of the "hood" just happened to be there in the way, and was nearly hit as the suspect turned and went back into the back part of my "hood". I motioned for her to get in my driveway, which she did. She was shaking, literally. So I had her come in to relax as the suspect and about 10 Police cars came around again!

This time, he headed for US36 and headed East. I guess he made it about another 2 miles before being wrecked at IN 109 and US36.

Oh, and the suspect had a child in the back seat in a car seat. I guess the suspect wasn't that old, and he was wanted for a Felony. I am guessing he had run during a traffic stop...

It was quiet the experience. Something you see on TV, not in your own front yard.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

rainy camp

we decided last minute friday to go camping we found a nice local camp ground. we got here and got set up the kids played a bit then it started to rain. i think we may have another hour before it stops! glad we have the bigger camper!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to sell a house in 49 days

We found out that the quickest way to sell a house was to decide that we didn't really have to sell it.

It seemed like as soon as we did that, the activity started and it was time to move forward.

We had decided that if it was meant to be, it would happen. And It Happened! I can still barely believe it was only 49 days!

Thanks for all the support!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let the Packing Commence!

In about an hour we will have a signed deal to sell our house!
WOW! we didn't really think it would all come together!

Photos of the new house:

A little nervous I am, Yes!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Do we have a deal?....

Ok, so we have been dealing with the house stuff for the last 1.5 hours. Wow, this is stressful. I think we just about may have an agreement..

To all those who are "in the loop" thanks for the well wishes.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Special Message


Monday, May 19, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Camping

It is almost time for our annual Memorial Day Weekend Camping Adventure. This will be the third year of our camping adventure. We started in 2006 with just the good-ol' Canvas tent by Hillary, a tent that is actually older than I am. Which in and of itself says something about the quality.

Last year just one day before we left for our camping we picked up our first camper, a 1997 Starcraft pop-up, which I must say is in great shape... Fast forward to this year, and uh-oh we had so much fun camping last year that oops we did it again, we upgraded to yet a bigger camper. Now we have a 27 foot long Travel Trailer. Yes it is really 27' long. And it is just about perfect for our family.

This year our Camping Season Kickoff is starting with a bang! I have been planning for not just us, but 7 families in total. It has been a bit hectic, but a ton of fun to plan. There will be 16 adults and 19 kids! We are going to have a fishing tournament, and activities and so much fun! I can't wait!

I had so much fun as a kid growing up camping, and I just love being able to share that same love with my kids! We will be taking a lot of photos, and I will share the ones that I can with you all!

Look for another update soon!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Official Results...

Here they For what it is worth:

Clock Time2:17:15
Chip Time2:10:05
Overall Place11559 / 30067
Gender Place7772 / 14319
Division Place1253 / 2084
Age Grade45.5%
Mile 549:37
Mile 101:40:33

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mini-Marathon Update... Finished and PR

So another Mini-marathon has come and gone. As I said before I was a bit disappointed with my training. It had really fallen off since the Full in March. Seems life got in the way.

Anyway, as it turned out Steve and I ran about a perfect consistent 10:00 - 10:20 min/mile. As you may recall my goal was to do it in 2:14:59...

As we came up on mile 11.5ish.. :) I was feeling pretty good. At mile 12, the clock time was 2:06 and change. I had to basically do the next 1.1 mile in under 10 minutes to make a 2:10 time. I felt like I could do that so I started to increase the pace.

At some point in there I started to feel a little ahead of myself and I decided to take a quick walk at about 3/4 mile to go and then again a 1/2mile to go.

I crossed the finish line and was excited... and saw I had missed the 2:10 mark by about 30 seconds...

So we went to the results tent to get the official results....

Here they are: My New Personal Record!
2:10:05 seconds!
9:56 min/mile
YES I MISSED THE 2:10:00 by 5 seconds! but i still broke the 10min/mile mark.

I am looking at doing the Giest Half on the 17th... we shall see

Saturday, May 3, 2008

off to the mini!

I am off to the mini! Look for the update later... so far it is semi-dry!


Friday, May 2, 2008

Carbohydrate Day.. and more

Tomorrow is my third attempt at the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon! 13.1 miles.... While I probably won't hit my original goal of 1:59:59, I am now hoping on breaking 2:14:59....

I have to be honest, I haven't been training nearly what I wanted to, but on Tues I ran 10.4 miles and it felt alright... it was slow... 10:30 pace, but I think I will be able to take it up from there.

Yesterday and today I have been battling a little bout of a stomach bug. It won't stop me but if it continues tomorrow, it could make for an extended run, with the runs... I will post tomorrow with the status of my run... If your lucky I may even be able to post from the finish area!

In other news: the house stuff is starting to get old; yes already. I know it is still early, but it is really slow... more than I expected. we have only had 1 showing and it was just a "starting to look". Part of me just wants to punt the whole idea, but the other doesn't... I don't know!

Oh, and a last note... The kids had been saving their $$ for a Nintendo Wii! Yesterday they finally got to get one. I must say, it is pretty fun! In case you don't know what it is. It is a gaming console, but with this one, you have to move. So the kids actually get a little exercise while playing... I think my arm is sore from playing last night!

Back to the grind, been a rough week at work... So Ta-Ta For now.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Housing Update...

Not a whole lot to update you on. Our Contingent offer has been accepted, this means that if we can sell our home: Click to View our Listing that we will be buying the new one.

We sat down today with our lender, Ted J Sherfick of First Horizon Home Loans who is very helpful and went over our options. We now feel very comfortable that we will have no problem with making this happen in a way that will work for us.

We had an open house on Sunday which seems to have had gone well. We had at least one interested family, however they don't have their home on the market just yet... I feel really good about our home selling... But I must say, I am so not enjoying the fact that this process is now out of my control.

I like to know that things I do can impact the process, and this right now is out of my control... I am trying not to let that bring me down, but I think it may be a little bit. I know we keep saying we are in this for whatever comes... however that doesn't make it any easier.

It just happened that the other day the home we have the offer in on had an open house on Sunday. Everytime we go in there we become more attached to it. It just feels right.

The worst thing that could happen is that the house gets sold before we sell ours.

Well enough from me for now.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Coffee Club

Over the last 2 weeks I have been coming to the local coffee shop to work in the mornings. Everyday there is a standard group of people that is there. When I arrived this morning I was told that I had to have a Dr's note for missing yesterday. :) I guess that meant I was considered a local now.

After a few minutes, I was told that I better get a mug to add to the coffee club shelf. So I am the proud owner of a new Notre Dame coffee mug and I have my place on the top shelf ...

I love living in a small town!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is official...

We have our home listed on the market. With our sights on another home in our area.

Wish us luck!


Monday, March 31, 2008

New Job

The new job is one week old today. Things are going swimmingly. Tomorrow early I will be leaving for Cary, NC. Where i will be the rest of the week.

The Support team is based there so I will be going to meet more of them and do some more specific training.

So far this has been great, the people I work with are seemingly friendly even to a former customer. This is going to be a good job.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Nolan drives to surgery

The surgery center had a little truck Nolan got to drive back to the O.R.

That made it easier for him.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Employment Change!

Friday was my last day with my former company. While I had made many good friends there, it was time for me to move on.

I start my new job on Monday! I am going to HP Software.

I can't wait to start!


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Beer and Taxes...

A friend sent this to me, the source is unknown to me... I found it at least a little thought stimulating...

Ten men go out for beer. The bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. He said, "Since you are all such good customers, I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80."

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes, so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men -- the paying customers?

How co uld they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his "fair share"? They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay!

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four
continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

"I only got a dollar o ut of the $20," declared the sixth man. He
pointed to the tenth man, "but he got $10!"

"Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!"

"That's true!!"shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only $2 ? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They were $52 short of paying the bill. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit fro m a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up any more. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Back to Life...

We are back to the home town. The vacation was fun and the time away was great. Not to mention the Marathon! Thanks again to all my family and friends for the fantastic support!

Today was my first day running again and holy cow! It was great, much better than I expected. I ran a 8:33 pace which is pretty fast. I am going to be working on trying to keep my pace up. I really want to be able to run the Mini-Marathon in under 2 hours. A 8:33 pace would be about 1:50 minutes. It would really be awesome if I can keep my pace up for the longer runs.

I can't remember without looking if I already posted this, but I have 3 half-marathons I want to do by May 17th. Sam Costa; March 29th, Mini-Marathon; May 3rd, and the Geist Half; May 17th. I am excited about my new found hobby!

I guess now that things are officially official I will also let you know about my new job. Starting March 24th, I will be working for Hewlett Packard. I will be working from home and providing essentially 3rd level support for the Opsware product line.

I have been with Sallie Mae for the last 4.5 years. While it has been good, I had decided a few months back that it was time for me to start looking for something different. I had been looking at several local positions as well as some located in other places. I was then lucky enough to find a new job with the company that owns the product that I already have been supporting for Sallie Mae.

thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Poolside lunch

Just enjoying the florida sun one more day before heading back to the cold north.

We leave friday morning and I hear we are headed home to a snow storm.

Here are 2 pics at the pool.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Disney trip

Yesterday we headed to Orlando. We got to our disney resort about 4pm. Then we went to downtown disney to eat @ Rainforest Cafe.

We had a good time there then went back to our suite at the All Star Music Resort. We tried to make an early night of it because we had to get up early for day one at the parks.

This morning we got up at 5:30 because mr. B woke up again. We had planned on getting up around 6 so this worked out.

We headed down to breakfast then off to Epcot. We spent the first half of the day there. It was a blast.

We got to take the monorail from there to the Magic Kingdom, where we spent the rest of the day. Attached are some photos from dinner, where we got to see some of the characters.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Race Results

The official results where published today.

Here is my Official Time:

26.2 Miles - 4:59:34

I am happy that I finished under 5 hours. Not by much but I did.

Results can be found here:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Race completed..

No photos just yet. But I got it done. I struggled a little after mile 17. It was hot.

I ended up around 4:59 I believe my chip time should be under 5. I will take it... Next goal is a sub 2-hour half in the mini.

Thanks to all my family for their support. It sure was fun to see the ones here in florida every few miles.

The last 5k was tough. I am glad I did it, and am looking forward to doing the next one. Don't know which one will be #2 but there will be a #2 for sure.

for now,

Before race.

Getting ready to start.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Final Countdown...

The time is nearing. It is almost the start of my first Marathon! I start at 6:00AM... I will probably be up around 4.

Send me good vibes... Thanks to all my family and friends for their support. It is much appreciated.


Friday, February 29, 2008

Our catch!

Here is what we ended up with.

We caught about 12 fish. Some grey snapper, perch, etc...

We had fun.


Dolphins follow boat

Four dolphins followed us out to the gulf for a bit...

Pretty amazing !


Gone fishin'

Here we are getting ready for our fishing trip. Nolan is pretty excited....

We are headed out for 6 hours. Hoping to catch some big fish!


Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunrise over Sarasota...

This morning I ran 8 miles this is a photo I snapped backward as I went up the Ringling bridge.

I have some more of my summit of the bridge.


Last longer run

This morning I ran my last semi-long run. I set out and managed to get 8 miles in. It felt ok, I certainly wasn't whooped. but I wasn't feeling the full today.

I did the bridge today... It was a bear!

we shall see how I am doing come later in the week, the rest of the week will be nutrition and light running.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Packing the Van...

I have been busting my butt tonight trying to get everything around for my trip to Florida! Only 8 days left... Will I make it, I know not... but I will give everything I have for the attempt.

I would have to guess that my predicted time will increase, but only time will tell. Got a big day ahead of me tomorrow!


Finally Ran Again

Well last night I was able to get 6.5 miles in.. Not sure what to do from here...

Guess I will play it by ear..


Friday, February 15, 2008

Thank you Dr.!

I went to the Dr. today. I should say I was very happy with the outcome. I didn't know what to expect, but I was hoping he wouldn't be opposed to helping me recover quickly.

He "threw the book at me"... I am hoping that by the AM on Sat. I will start feeling better.

Thanks for the kind words Mary :) I think I may be able to save this yet. Another big run due on Sun. this will be my last one......



My Worst Nightmare...

Is coming true!

I am officially getting sick! and I am freaking out. I have 2 weeks from Sunday, going to the Dr. today.

Last night was my running day and I wasn't up to going. So I went to bed at 8pm, woke up at 4:10 and tried to run at 4:30. I got in two miles, barely and had to stop.

I feel like someone punched me in the chest. I also am getting feverish.

This sucks!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Smart car...

I was stuck in traffic this morning and I just happened to spot my first official smart car... Little, expensive but a great concept....

Thought I would share..


Monday, February 11, 2008

Another Distance Run!

I did it... Finally I did it.

Sunday, had to get my run in. So I took a different method. Since the SRQ Marathon has water every 2 miles, I decided that I would walk the waters. To accomplish this during training I simply walk every 2 miles.

I started at 11:30 Focusing on the first 8 miles. I was able to complete them in 79:40. This is under a 10minute pace. Grabbed my powerbar GelPak and started the next 8.

The second 8 was slightly longer: 80:40 just over the 10 minute pace. During this segment my belly got hungry fortunately for me, the gym was open so I was able to get a protein bar to eat.

Now at 16 miles, I felt pretty good. So I continued. I got through another 4 miles. Taking me to a new high of 20miles.

Yes 20 miles in 3:22:30 This turns out to be a 10:08 min/mile pace!

Am I happy? YES! This is great, this means that I only have 2 make it 6 more miles. This I know I can do. It is just about taking the time to do it. I have no doubt it will probably be the slowest part of the entire race. My goal, however is to finish!

My Goal: 4:30:00
My Predicted finish: 4:43:00

I am again feeling hopeful!

Thanks for reading,

2008 Distance: 123.7 Mi

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finding Success in Failure

Today was a mixed bag as far as the running goes...

The failure: Today was supposed to be a 17 mile run. I didn't make it, I don't know why really, just didn't feel like one of those days. I am not making excuses, it just didn't happen. This is normal with running, some days you've got it, some you don't.

After running the 15 last week, I was really hoping this would happen.

The Success: I did run another half-marathon. 13.1 miles. This time trimming even more time off. The 13.1 took me 2:07:03, this means that I shaved another 6 minutes off my half time... This I consider a great success!

This week I will only be running 2 times. I am going to skip the Tues, and I think I will move my medium length to Wed. This should give me a little more recovery time. I am working of course with the idea that I ran a little too much this week.

Stay tuned, there are only 4 Weeks until the Sarasota Marathon!


Now playing: Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I never knew I could run that fast...

How Fast... Well a 7:28 min/mile for 2 miles.

I went to the fitness center to run with at co-worker yesterday. I knew he ran faster than I, so I told him I would keep up with him for just a bit.

7.0 mph turned to 7.5 which turned to 8.0 which went to 8.5... Then to finish it all off the last 1/4 mile was even faster. Ended up at 10 mph.

Yes, I did it, but I was whooped.

Till next time!


Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Great Week!

Sunday brought another challenging run, so the first thing I had to do was get my Breakfast :).

I started at about 8:30AM, and like usual the first 4 miles seemed a bit rough. I must admit I wasn't as hydrated as I would have liked. But this was to be expected since I had a great birthday party on Friday night. Needless to say, Friday night wasn't a hydrating night, well it was, but not with H2O :)

Anywho, Saturday was a lazy day so I did get some fluids in. We had the Company party on Sat. night which ended up being lame so I was able to get to bed at a decent time. But I digress...

Back to Sunday and running, the treadmill at the fitness center only goes a max of 99 minutes. So my long runs get a little cut up. This time I did 7.0 in 69:20 min. Then I stop the mill, restarted and ran another 8.

During the 8 mile section, I put my towel over the screens so I didn't see how I was doing. I knew the speed but didn't know the distance. I was planning on running 2.5 hours, taking me to 11:00. I actually felt pretty damn good.

At 10:57ish, I took off the towel to see how I was doing, I found I was only .3 miles from the 8. I finished it in 79:20!

This made my 15 miles in 2:27:40 a 9:51/mile pace. This is great! This means if I can keep this up, I will make my goal of 4.5 hours on March 2nd...

Only 33 days left! I can't believe it! This is going to be here soon!

Thanks for reading! feel free to leave me a comment :)


Friday, January 25, 2008

Marathon by McDonalds:

I have decided that there is one thing that is VERY complimentary to my training. The Sausage McMuffin® with Egg, Hash Browns and a Large Coffee. This magnificent breakfast meal makes a huge difference in the performance of my running.

According to their web site this meal totals 590 Calories. it has to be the perfect combination of Protein, Carbs and fat.

I can tell such a difference the days that I eat it... I am actually considering calling this the best breakfast ever :)

Am I CrazY? You may say yes, but for me, as long as it works.. I don't care!


Now playing: Cake - I Will Survive
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back on Track!

Today was a back to the grind day for the running... I felt great, and got my 7 miles done.

Just a quick post for now, more later.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So last week was a bust!

A lot happened, and it got me in a mess of a workout schedule... I must admit, that I was pretty deflated last week after such a cruddy running outcome.

I am hoping that this week will get me back on track to finish the road to Sarasota!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Magical Day!

I have done it... I have reached a new major milestone. I know it may seem like each week brings a new one. That is because it does! Today though is a different kind of milestone.

Today I ran a Half-Marathon Yes, 13.1 miles, actually did 13.2 but who is counting ;) This even worked out to be a Personal Record (PR). Which begs the question can you set a PR in training or does it have to be during a race. I last ran the mini-marathon at 2:20:13. Todays 13.2 miles was in 2:13:40 so again, is it a PR. I say Yes! Maybe not to the elite runners but to me it means something. Today's pace is 35 sec/mile faster than the mini.

OH-YEAH!~ This is getting fun! I know, that is weird, but it is fun!

Friday, January 11, 2008

It is Finally Official!

I have officially signed up to be a participant in the 2008 Sarasota Marathon.

Registration Number: 124001

This is an exciting day for me! I could hardly think about what running for 4 hours and 30 minutes is going to feel like....

Training is going well, yesterday I managed the scheduled 7 miles. I can tell a huge difference. It is a great feeling when you can do 5 miles without really even thinking about it. I am shooting for a 12 miler this Sunday. Assuming all goes well this will be almost half of the 26 that awaits me in March.

The more I think about this whole thing the more excited I get. 10 years ago, I never thought that I would be running a marathon. Wow how things change.

Stay tuned, this is going to be a great journey!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Party with Friends!

I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to some of our best friends. It is really nice having a great group of fun people to hang out with.

Last night was a blast, it is too bad that I had to leave early. Can't wait to share some of these interesting photos I took on my phone!

Happy Birthday to all the January Rockstars!

I was good last night, but today's run will still be a little challenging I think :)

Now playing: Nickelback - Rockstar